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Home > Shipping > Where is my order?
Where is my order?
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You will receive a notification of your order shipment once it's on its way. Has the order shipped yet? If no email notification, please allow 2-3 business days for the package to ship. 

If you placed your order over the weekend, don't worry, we process orders in the order in which they are received.


Please wait until the end of business Tuesday before reaching out regarding a missing order shipment notification.


Check your spam or trash folder for your tracking notification.


[How do I track my order?]


Shipment times vary based on location. If your order has not arrived within 30 days from the ship date please open a new ticket and let us know. If you prefer to email directly use


Include your order number and the email address of your My OHM account. We will research your order and applicable tracking number and provide you with an update.

NOTE: If your order is returned to us for any reason we will update you via email.

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