OHM offers free standard worldwide shipping on orders of $150 USD or more to most countries. Other shipping option are available. To see your personalized shipping rates please proceed to checkout.
Orders placed on ohmbeads.com ship from Washington, USA, whenever possible. Your items may be shipped to you from multiple warehouses based on item availability. Orders may be split into multiple packages; If this is the case you will receive a separate tracking number for each package.
OHM does not combine orders by default. If you would like your orders combined into one shipment, please leave a note on your order under the "order special instructions" section of your shopping cart, or open a new ticket and let us know (or email support@ohmbeads.com) the order numbers you would like combined.
We will do our best to accommodate any special requests. Special requests may delay the shipment of your order during high-traffic times. Order combination requests are not guaranteed.
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Shipping varies by location / dealer.